
This repository hosts an Azure Data Factory to perform the ingestion of the official COVID-19 pandemic- and vaccine-data on an Azure SQL Database, and the relevant DDL to create a data model to produce insightful analytics on PowerBI

Project maintained by fabriziomiano Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


The scope of this project is the creation of insightful analytics on the Italian COVID pandemic and vaccine status. pandemic.png vax.png


This repository hosts an Azure Data Factory (ADF) to perform the ingestion of the official COVID-19 pandemic- and vaccine-data on an Azure SQL Database. It also contains for the DDL needed for the creation of the data model on an Azure SQL Database.

Data Factory

The ADF consists of:

The Trigger

The tumbling-window trigger is set to play every 24 hours, and it triggers the ingestion

The linked services

Azure SQL Database

The SQL Server database the data is copied to

DPC Github

The HTTP request that is sent to the civil protection Github repository PCM-DPC to retrieve the pandemic data

Italia OD Github

The HTTP request that is sent to the Italia-OpenData repository to retrieve the pandemic data

The datasets


Represents the CSV file from the civil-protection repository taken from its linked service


Represents the CSV file from the Italia open data repository taken from its linked service


Represents the dataset needed for the copy to the Azure SQL DB linked service


The main pipeline is the Data Ingestion pipeline. This calls two pipelines:

which in turn call the two parametric copy-activity pipelines:

These are parametric in directory name and file name to be retrieved from the relevant Github repositories and perform the copy activities from the CSV files to the relevant tables on SQL, together with a provided stored procedure that update the age ranges in the Italia-Open-Data adminstrations CSV file to harmonize the age-range with their provided population CSV file

The DDL scripts

The needed tables, view, and procedure are defined under SQL/. The scripts create the relevant tables needed for the ingestion; an update procedure to harmonize the data; the views to be exposed to the data model.


The repository does not contain any script for the automated deployment of the ADF. However, in order to deploy the ADF, apart from clicking on the button at the top of this repo it is needed to:

Once the services have been created, run:

At this stage all the components needed to create the data model are in place. The screenshot below shows the designed data model data_model.png

and the relevant PowerBI report, whose screenshot is at the top of this README, can be found inside SampleReport/COVID.pbix


If you liked this project or if I saved you some time, feel free to buy me a beer :beer: Cheers!
